A “Discipline for Godliness” Program for Athletes
A Note to Coaches: What is Humility for an Athlete?
Week 1 — The Motivation for Humility (Philippians 2:1-7)
Week 2 — Christ’s Humiliation for Us (Philippians, 2:8-11, Luke 23:32-43)
Week 3 — Shining as Stars? (Philippians 2:12-16)
Week 4 — Humility is Serious Business (1 Peter 5:5-11, Zephaniah 2:1-3)
Week 5 — Rewards and Curses (Proverbs 11:2; 15:32, 33; 18:12; 22:4)
Week 6 — Humbled Before God’s Greatness (Job 38:1-18)
Week 7 — Honor to the Lord (Psalm 20)
Week 8 — Greatness and Splendor of the Call (Psalm 45:1-7)
Week 9 — False Humility (Colossians 2:13-23)
Week 10 — “I Know!”: The Lesson of the Golden Calf (Ecclesiastes 5:1-7, Exodus 32:1-6)
Week 11 — King Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:28-37)
Week 12 — Doing in Secret (Matthew 6:5-8, Luke 18:9-14)
Week 13 — The Downfall of Pride (Ezekiel 16:44-59)
Week 14 — Moses (Numbers 12:1-16)
Week 15 — Asking for God’s Blessing (Psalm 67)
Appendix - Athlete Self-Evaluation