News Releases
Defining Joy, Part 1
| August 23, 2011This is the second in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This post corresponds with Week 1: "Defining Joy, Part 1."

A Note to Coaches: What is Joy for an Athlete?
| August 22, 2011This is the first in a season-long series of posts on the topic of joy, as it relates to the life and athletic pursuits of your teams. This first post is a note to coaches, as they begin to lead their teams in the season study.
To Win the Prize: Why Christians Should Bother to Compete
| November 3, 2010Is competition in the athletic realm (or elsewhere) something that should cause Christians concern? Is there such a thing as healthy competition? Should Christians desire to be the best? Kara Hartman examines this issue from a Biblical perspective -- one which gives any athlete, coach, or person impacted by a competitive drive cause to pause and answer the question, "For what are you competing?"
Passion in Our Play (Part 5)
| August 23, 2010Passion. Stewardship. Selflessness. Excellence. Is this what marks your athletics? This is the final part (Part 5) of a five-part series exploring the imperative of excellent Christian athletics.
Passion in Our Play (Part 4)
| August 20, 2010Sports as worship? Sure, but why does that usually seem so boring? This is Part 4 of a five-part series exploring the imperative of excellent Christian athletics.
Passion in Our Play (Part 3)
| August 18, 2010You're an athlete. ..Does God expect you to be excellent? This is Part 3 of a five-part series exploring the imperative of excellent Christian athletics.
Passion in Our Play (Part 2)
| August 14, 2010Does God want us to play? This is Part 2 of a five-part series exploring the imperative of excellent Christian athletics.
NCSAA All-American and Super-Regional Teams - 2009-10
| July 12, 2010The 2009-10 NCSAA All-American and Super-Regional Teams were announced today -- featuring the nation's top players from NCSAA member schools nationwide.
Your School...Singing With the Angels?
| October 16, 2009An evening ride to Wal-Mart surprised me with an early Christmas gift -- a reminder of what all of our efforts in Christian education and athletics are all about.
Establish Justice in the Gate
| October 12, 2009When Christian schools focus too heavily on their own needs and survival, they neglect one of the most significant commands that God has given. In times of economic struggle, we must be faithful to this call in order to strengthen the mission of Christian education.
The Purpose of Christian Education...and NCSAA
| October 11, 2009The director of NCSAA is reminded of the purpose of Christian education (and athletics), and calls all Christian schools to unite in seeking that purpose. This marks a reshaping of the mission of purpose of NCSAA.
NCSAA Great Lakes Classic - Days 2 and 3
| September 12, 2009Complete summaries of play from the 2009-10 NCSAA Great Lakes Classic.
NCSAA Great Lakes Classic - Day 1
| September 10, 2009The first day of this year's Great Lakes Classic is complete. Highlights...