NCSAA Team Sponsorship Program

Team Sponsorship Program

We know that money is sometimes an obstacle for teams who want to attend one of our tournament events, and we don't want any team to be unable to participate simply because of a financial issue.  In an effort to help teams who need some financial assistance to attend NCSAA tournaments, we have launched a new Team Sponsorship Program.  This program can be used to reduce (or even completely cover) your costs of attending an NCSAA tournament.

The Team Sponsorship Program is simple and easy.  Let us know that you'd like to participate, and we'll set up a fundraising page for your team.  (This allows you to use a unique online service at no cost; we pay to cover our teams' use of this system throughout the year.)  Each of your team members sends out e-mails to family and friends, and those people visit your team's online page to contibute toward your team's trip.  That's it!  Any money raised goes directly toward the cost of your trip to the tournament.  Teams who have used this program have very successfully decreased their costs of coming to our tournaments -- some even raising enough money to pay for all of their costs!

By participating in the Team Sponsorship Program, you can:

* Eliminate certain tournament costs for your team - Any money that your team raises will be directly deduced from your team's entry fees and individual athlete fees for the tournament.  There is no requirement that you raise a certain amount of money -- no pressure or stress.  Just raise what you're able, and that'll help your teams with their tournament costs.

* Raise money toward your teams' other expenses of attending (travel, lodging, etc) -- Some teams have successfully raised enough money to significantly reduce (or even eliminate) their costs of lodging, meals, and travel.  You might be surprised how much of a help this program can be to your team!

* Find new local business sponsors that might be willing to sponsor your team for future seasons -- Many teams have found local business that will support their teams' trips to our tournaments.  This not only increases the amount of money you can raise toward your trip, but also opens up potential new relationships with businesses that might consider becoming a long-term sponsor of your team, athletic program, or school.

If your team would like to use the Team Sponsorship Program to offset the costs of attending, please do the following:

1) Call us at 724-846-2764.  We can give you more information about how the Team Sponsorship Program works.

2) We will then set up a fundraising page online, via the unique NCSAA system.  (This is a special resource for your team; we pay the costs for your teams to use this system throughout the year.)  We'll walk you through the use of the fundraising system and the way to direct friends and family to your page.

3) Whatever money is raised goes entirely toward your team's cost of attending the tournament.  NCSAA does not benefit from this; it is completely a service to your team!

The program is simple and is not very time-consuming, and is a very effective tool for making participation in NCSAA tournaments affordable for your teams.  Please contact us soon with questions; we'd love to help you in any way that we can!

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